** All India Muslim Youth Majlis **
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The All India Muslim Youth Majlis is a registered organization under Society Registration Act 21 of 1860, bearing no. 27/1990-91, dated 25th April 1990, which provides pioneering faith and culturally sensitive services to minorities and poor classes youth in India.

All our volunteer staff by omitting the generation gap and the cultural restrictions of an adult-run service, we are able to build the trust of young people and deal effectively with the social pressures that young people from the Muslim community have never before been able to reveal.

All India Muslim Youth Majlis work through grants from various charitable trusts , government departments, independent fundraising and donations from individuals.

All India Muslim Youth Majlis is secured a registration for Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 1976 with Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India for getting Foreign Contributions for its Cultural, Educational and Social activities

All India Muslim Youth Majlis was established on the 1st Feburary 1990 . Its mission is to be a platform for youth organizations to congregate, exchange information, gain experience and benefit from each other, to work for a better India. Over the last 20 years it has become the de facto voice of minority and poor classes Youth in India and is regularly consulted on issues pertaining to minorities in India.

All India Muslim Youth Majlis has focused its programmes of activities around particular themes which reflect the priorities and vision of the organization. Amongst those the main areas have been citizenship, inter-social and inter-cultural dialogue, Human Rights education and training, media and communication and public relations

All India Muslim Youth Majlis draws upon over a decade of experience in the youth and community work field. Our trainers and consultants come from various professions, thus enriching the services that we offer. Although our services combine an understanding of social, cultural and spiritual needs of minorities specifically, our service is not exclusive to a particular community. Many of our programmes and workshops respond to wider social issues for other weaker section of the society.

We believe in the contribution that all young people can make to the vibrancy of any community, given the chance; unlocking their potential is the challenge that lies ahead of us. All India Muslim Youth Majlis has dedicated itself to working towards this aim.

Our goal is to address immediate needs and ensure the self-reliance of the poorest people around the Country.

** All India Muslim Youth Majlis **

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